our Nation is lost, our identity and we will be lost:
our Nation is lost, our identity and we will be lost', let you keep
this truth in your mind. If any serious incident is happened here, I
mean if the democracy and human rights is collapsed, we, the people
will be responsible for this. Let we be united and move for peaceful
movements to save our Nation, Democracy and Human Rights. Our
country is the Country of Lord Buddha and Mt. Everest. The World
people love us because of these identities. But, if the Nation is
recognized as the land of terrorists, murderers, black marketers,
frauds, etc. we will not get any space to put our legs in any
country of the world. |
I know who is
killer !! |
identity is our Motherland, so if our motherland is assassinated we
all will die'. Our King and all his family is assassinated which is
also not smaller than the assassination of our motherland. So, let
we be aware of this matter. Let we save our Motherland. Let we move
to save Democracy handled us by our late king Birendra. Let we move
to make our Nation 'the Zone of Peace' as directed by our late King
Birendra. Where king and all his family
could be killed and wiped out in minute, there is no safety and
security for normal Nepali citizen, wake up now and let's free our
Nation. |
Update :: Today's
Hot News
any web site is not illegal (www.eff.org,
www.cdt.org , www.privacyrights.org,
www.epic.org) and if Mercantile do not
announce that Mercantile is not collecting and distributing collected data
to other authorities, then you should change your ISP. MOS must announce
that they don't violate any users privacy,....more>>>
Royal Massacre: CIA did it. More >>>>
Royal Massacre:
Ends. More >>>>
massacre comes under House debate
BBC: Four
senior security officials at the Nepalese royal palace have been sacked
after last month's massacre in which the king, queen and seven other
family members were murdered. More>>>>
Of Blood: A
canny businessman becomes king. More>>>>
Prince Paras "Black Prince II".
More >>>>
Math: Twist Of Faith. More
Professor says:
I feel the royal massacre was carefully planned and executed, and
leaves behind lots of trails which leads to the current King. Nepal must
get rid of its monarchy and embrace democracy. Full
Washington Post:
"There was no postmortem, and nobody was allowed to see
body" before it was cremated. "Nobody believes he did it, and
nobody will believe it.".More
The palace should convert the
Narayanhity Palace
into a memorial and hand over the property of late
King Birendra and members of his slain family to the government as there
are no direct heirs. More>>>>
President K. R. Narayanan wanted to attend the funeral of King Birendra on
June 2 More >>>>
No more Khate in Nepal. More
is this Nepal's most wanted man?...
More >>>>
the pain, not even flower for King
from citizen? More >>>>
democracy without information, no information
without democracy. More
is no proof that Deependra kill his own Family, if you any proof show it
to us ....citizen. More
It was King
Gyanendra who forced all Nepali to think twice to accept him saying
automatic weapon suddenly started firing and killed all of one family
selecting from hundreds... More
was very disciplined boy ... More
Why only
Birendra's Family wiped out? More>>>>
yelled: "We don't want Gyanendra." More
Royal Massacre in Nepal Take
an Urgent Action to form an 'International
Investigation Commission' for the
Investigation of the Massacre.
Sign this letter now.>>>. or
e-mail Milan Karki
letter to Kofi Annan: Being unsatisfied with the Report, the People
are running different kinds of movements, but on the other hand, the
Government is stopping them to run peaceful movements against the Report.
At this moment, Nepalese People are demanding the ‘International
Standard Investigation Body’ to run deep investigation of the Massacre....more
Nepali people are not believing it. They are not satisfied with the
Report of the Probe Commission. By this cause, different kinds of
movements are running in Nepal. But, on the other hand, the Government is
stopping the people to run peaceful movements taking the 'Public Safety
Regulations' and various Orders.more..>>>>>
has seen: Crown Prince Dipendra shooting his own mother
and brother nor has anybody seen him committing suicide. The tendency of
eyewitnesses speaking to foreign media even before they spoke to the Probe
Committee also gave room for suspicion. Most importantly, people still
find it very difficult to believe that the entire clan of King Birendra
was killed ruthlessly at one go over some family feud.more...>>>>>>
Says: He shot himself, he shot himself’. I asked him where was Bhai
(Nirajan), he said he had been shot. I asked where was Thulo Muma (the
Queen) he told me Thulo Muma was down, everyone was down and Thulo Muma
had no chance. I did not see what happened…outside Bhai (Dipendra) was
lying down groaning in pain.
Nepal Times more..>>>>>>
Koirala does not foresee an easy
kingship for King Gyanendra. ‘‘It would take the Nepalese a long time
to digest anyone else in the shoes of their King Birendra,
Manisha Koirala More >>>>
Visa refused for Nepalese Cricket Team More>>>>
has happened inside the palace in that fateful night of June 1st,
2001 is certainly a worst thing that could happen to a country especially
when it was going through its BAD TIMES. more>>>>
you believe for this incident?"BBC
asks more>>>
Royal palace who is responsible..More>>>
Kotparba and Bhandarkhal Parba more>>.....>
statement: "sudden discharge from an automatic weapon" was
translated as an "accidental discharge" by the foreign media,
giving rise to much controversy More>>>>>.
Justice: Do
you have any proof :to show us that Deependra Kill his own and all family,
you are lying MR Justice and Taranath More>> any proof to show us that Deependra kill his own and all
Devkota: "Now,
if you ask me if there was a conspiracy. I should say, not directly. But
there is a conspiracy in this country to turn our youth into drug addicts.
Even the royal family is not safe. This is a conspiracy by the mafia and
the traffickers." More"Dr
Upendra Devkota, hiding truth behind>More news>>>>
Weapons: It
is unimaginable as to how
a person under drunken spell who can't take out his clothes on his own and
has already vomited could collect that much of strength and courage as to
suddenly change the dress on his own and carry such heavy lethal weapons
and shoots his entire family members after travelling some distance from
his personal shelter? More news>>>>>
Royals asked to keep quiet on massacre: A university
professor, who declined to be identified, said it was hard to believe that
Deependra had shot his family in cold blood. "There is obviously
something missing in the sequence of events. Why was his body cremated
under curfew? What are they trying to hide?" he asked. More
England -- Hundreds of soldiers from Britain's Gurkha regiment have
gathered to commemorate Nepal's slain royal family. "It was quite
a moving event to see each soldier lay their flowers individually, much as
people did for (Princess) Diana when she died," Beard told the
Associated Press. More News>>...
Many refused to believe that
Crown Prince Dipendra -- technically king for
a weekend -- had killed his family and then himself, as officials
privately say. More News>>>...
o t T o p i c s / P a s t N e w s |
want International Investigation (UN)
- Appeal
From Human Rights Commission
of Human Right
- Leftist Party- Report is
from reality
- U will be arrested any time ?
- Who is going to answer these
- Deependra kill his own and all
family any proof ?
PHD in Palace Politics
Babu Ram Bhattarai sEnglish
here for More Past News....>>>>>>>>
! !
Warning ! ! Warning |
of new fake Rambo, this fake Rambo doesn't save you, instead, he shoot
you from back. He is roaming around with the name of
leader or social worker, stay away and keep your children at home. His
name said to be TaraNath Ranabhat. He is deadliest than any creature
exit in this planet. For your convenience, please see his photo
below, identify him and do...... |
Speaks Truth »Movie
Click here to play |